& The South Carolina School Counselor Association
Leadership. Advocacy. Education.
The Learning Institute
What is The Learning Institute?
The Learning Institute is our new, enhanced format replacing the traditional Pre-Conference. Each session (morning, afternoon, evening) lasts 3 hours.
Access to The Learning Institute is included with certain registration types; otherwise, you can join for a $100 flat fee, covering the full day. This year, we’re not charging per session.
Please note that sessions may be subject to change. Detailed information on each session and the speakers will be shared soon!
How can you attend these sessions? It's simple!
For 3-Day Registrants: Great news! All sessions, including The Learning Institute on Wednesday, are included with your registration—no extra steps required.
For 2-Day or 1-Day Registrants: If you'd like to attend The Learning Institute on Wednesday, just select Wednesday as one of your attendance days when you register.
Missed that option? You can still add Wednesday to your registration at the conference for an additional $100 fee for the day.
This way, everyone can get the most out of our sessions!
Please note that The Learning Institute fully replaces our Pre-Conference!
Learning Institute Session Topics
Morning Sessions
Navigating the Byzantine Labyrinth of Medicaid Ethically **Ethics CEs!**
Building Safe Spaces Through the Safezone Project
Better Together: Building Parent Engagement Within Child-Centered Treatment
This Is How We Do It: Applied Approaches to Clinical Supervision **Supervision CEs!**
Afternoon Sessions
Navigating Medical Trauma: Empowering Counselors to Support Clients and Families
Activate Your Supervision: Enhancing Supervision with The ACT Matrix **Supervision CEs**
Private Practice Toolkit - What You Should Know!
Custody Conflicts: Ethical Standards and Best Practices for Mental Health Counselors **Ethics CEs**
Evening Sessions
Legal and Ethical Tips for Homicidal Risk Reduction and Practice Effectiveness **Ethics CEs**
Navigating The Ethics of Gender-Affirming Care Bans **Ethics CEs**