& The South Carolina School Counselor Association
Leadership. Advocacy. Education.
South Carolina Counseling Association Bookstore
Below are various publications from SCCA members and keynote conference presenters. Please note that we do not receive any proceeds from the sale of these books.
If you are a current SCCA member and wish to have your publication featured on our web page, please contact us here.
​Relaxation-Based Pain Relief (RBPR) Training Manual
Dr. Frederic Mau
Empirical neuroimaging support for relaxation-based relief processes is extremely strong. Competent professional use of these techniques in clinical settings requires a solid understanding of how these processes operate, and the development of the skill necessary for real-world use with clients and patients in clinical practice. Relaxation based pain relief processes have been recommended by the National Institutes of Health since 1995. In addressing the opioid crisis both the American College of Physicians and the US Department of Health and Human services have issued empirically-based clinical recommendations for the use of these types of processes as standard of care nonpharmacological pain relief. This manual provides the training necessary to relieve pain quickly, efficiently, and effectively in medical and mental health treatment settings.
My Mom Is a Big Fat Whale: Workbook for Kids & Teens to Take Power Back from Bullies
By Jon D. Beaumont, LPCS
DON'T BE FOOLED BY THE TITLE! It is actually an insinuation of the technique described in the book, clinically designated as 'Reductio Absurdum.' Using the S-T-A strategy taught in the book, readers will learn how simple it is to take the power back from bullies. Exercises to practice, as well as examples, of the techniques follow each explanation and will equip readers with the tools they need. This workbook is a great tool for any adult seeking to assist children or adolescents who are victims of verbal or online bullying. It is an excellent way for parents to teach their kids how to deal with bullies effectively. Therapists and Counselors could also implement the strategies used in this workbook to aid their ongoing work with young clients
Kindle: $9.99
Paperback: $14.44
The Art of Creating A Magical Session: Key Elements for Transformative Psychotherapy
Dr. Paul J. Leslie
The Art of Creating a Magical Session discusses the key elements needed to create the interaction conditions for transformational therapeutic change to occur. Using a conceptual approach to client transformation, the book draws from a diverse range of sources including indigenous traditions and rituals, as well as the latest research on the common factors that contribute to success in the therapy room. Each chapter focuses on educating and inspiring mental health professionals to easily adapt and apply creative and resourceful approaches to help their own clients begin inner transformations. With case studies and narratives woven throughout, this accessible guide will support mental health practitioners as they approach their practice in new ways and achieve deeper, and more magical, therapy sessions. It will be valuable reading for psychotherapists, psychologists, social workers and counselors.
Counseling Children & Adolescents: A Toolbox for School-Based Therapists & School Counselors, Vol. 1
Edited by Chandler Cox & Dr. Jennifer Jordan
Counseling in a school-setting can be challenging for many therapists due to the wide array of presenting problems you may be met with on any given day. This book is designed to equip school-based therapists and school counselors with easy-to-implement interventions for common presenting problems in schools ranging from elementary to high school; a toolbox of sorts. Inside you'll also find a bibliotherapy section containing many books for use in counseling with students of all ages, and some additional resources for issues such as substance addictions, suicidality, trauma counseling, music therapy, and youth in poverty. This work was designed by counselors, for counselors.
Kindle: $20
Paperback: $30
Editor's Web Site
Wake Up to Your Dreams: Transform Your Relationships, Career, & Health While You Sleep
Justina Lasley, M.A.
Wake Up to Your Dreams will inspire you to awaken to your authentic Self and greatest potential, by introducing you to the incredible wealth of wisdom available nightly in your dreams. Learn to easily remember, record, and dissect your dreams to better understand yourself and your life. Wake Up to Your Dreams teaches you to use nighttime dreams as a tool to awaken your most authentic, creative, and spiritual self and thus to lead a more fulfilling and joyful life. Justina Lasley reveals her inspiring personal story of change and transformation, and explains how dreams have impacted her life in countless positive ways. She also shares others’ unique stories, dreams and personal growth. Harness the wisdom of your own dreams to help you find the authentic person you were born to be!
• Gain clarity and perspective
• Let go of limiting habits and beliefs
• Create better relationships
• Take control of your career and life
• Enrich your financial circumstances
• Improve your health and overall well-being
• Realize your creative potential
Kindle: $5.99
Paperback: $16.99
Dream Synergy
Honoring the Dream: A Handbook for Dream Group Leaders
Justina Lasley, M.A.
Newly updated edition that offers updated exercises and handouts, as well as a chapter on the DreamSynergy ™ process. An easy-to-use spiral bound edition that has become a classic in dreamwork, Honoring the Dream focuses on two vital aspects of group dreamwork: the practicalities of organizing and facilitating group work, and dreamwork methods. Honoring the Dream shares the benefits of Justina Lasley's 25 years of experience as a dream group leader. Blending her insights about the dream with the practicalities of group work, this handbook offers step-by-step instructions in creating, planning and facilitating dream groups; descriptions of 40 individual and group 'exercises' that will mine the gold of the dream; plus 13 full-size, ready-to-use forms and handouts for your group members. For more information visit Dream Synergy's website.
Hardcover, Spiral-Bound: $59.95
The Year of Living Magically: Practical Ways to Create A Life of Spirit, Wonder, and Connection
Dr. Paul J. Leslie
The Year of Living Magically is a book designed for those who want to learn to approach the world from a perspective of interconnection and wonder. By emphasizing the integral foundation of the natural world, this work guides readers through simple, practical exercises to enable them to embrace both the material and spiritual realms of life. Using insights from psychology, neuroscience, and the world’s esoteric traditions, this book invites readers to consider moving away from a strict, materialistic consumerism way of living in favor of a “magical life” in which creativity and enchantment abound.
Paperback: $14.95
Unlimited Resources: Simple & Easy Ways to Find, Access, and Utilize Client Strengths & Resources to Facilitate Change
Dr. Paul J. Leslie
This book presents a framework for psychotherapists on how to direct their therapy sessions toward a focus on client strengths and resources instead of an excessive focus on problem investigation and client pathology. Practical examples and guidelines are supplied which give the therapeutic practitioner simple methods for accessing and implementing resource directed ways of working.
Paperback - $16.95
Low Country Shamanism: An Exploration of the Magical & Healing Practices of the Coastal Carolinas & Georgia
Dr. Paul J. Leslie
Designed to educate readers of the rich history and functionality of the art of hoodoo/conjure as practiced in the low country areas of South Carolina and Georgia, “Low Country Shamanism” will clear up misunderstandings that have historically plagued this unique system of healing and magic. Evidence is presented to demonstrate low country hoodoo/conjure is a legitimate form of shamanism and has been effective as a tool for physical and emotional healing, spiritual development and socio-cultural control. Concentrating on the role of the low country “Conjure Doctor” as a shaman, agent of change, and healer, this work will give the reader, in an accessible style, an overview of the practices of the art of hoodoo/conjure as performed in the low country areas of South Carolina and Georgia. It will examine the shamanic practices of the traditional “root doctors”, present techniques and practices for magical workings and for healing, and provide personal narratives from modern day authentic hoodoo/conjure practitioners and those who have been profoundly influenced by the art.
Kindle - Free with Kindle Unlimited
Paperback - $14.95
Potential Not Pathology: Helping Your Clients Transform Using Eriksonian Psychotherapy
Dr. Paul J. Leslie
This book is designed to assist counselors who would like to use and understand the psycho therapeutic strategies of Milton Erickson but often find it confusing, intimidating or unrealistic. Using colorful case studies and stories told in everyday language, this work will educate and help professionals in being able to understand how to adapt and apply creative and resourceful therapy interventions based on the concepts of Ericksonian psychotherapy. It will also assist clinicians and therapists in easily implementing the concepts of Ericksonian psychotherapy into their work in order to energize and revitalize their therapy sessions. Subjects explored include client resistance and client potential, the role of imagination and playfulness in the therapeutic work, and the healing possibilities hidden within stories and metaphors.
Kindle - $15.71
Paperback - $14.24
Drive Yourself Successful: 11 Inner States to Personal Empowerment
Rachel Carter
Drive Yourself Successful: 11 Inner States to Personal Empowerment offers you a driver’s view of what keeps your gear shift stuck in park on the road of life. Author Rachel Lynn illustrates what keeps you from setting goals and accelerating toward them and challenges you to realize that you hold the key to your own life experiences.
Grace Space: Understanding & Implementing Work / Life Harmony
Dr. Thommi Odom Lawson
Grace Space is a workbook that contains five short stories of grace shared by individuals who have crossed my path and left a lasting imprint. In each chapter, I discuss a step to help you navigate your grace journey. At the end of each story, you will have an opportunity to reflect using activities designed to help you make space for grace. This book is for you…If you feel overwhelmed by multiple priorities and are unsure about how to get started If you have attempted to find balance but felt torn into 1,001 pieces If you are facing a crossroads and are unsure about which choice to make.
Emotion: The Power of Change
Dr. Frederic Mau
Advances in neurology and neuroimaging brain scans now reveal exactly how suggestive processes and hypnosis function. The brain physiology of hypnosis is well understood. The reality is that emotion changes behavior. Stories frame and create our emotions. These changes are not just “mental” or ephemeral; they cause profound physical changes in the brain and profound metaphysical changes in the very meaning of our lives.
This book is extensively documented with peer-reviewed empirical studies (just flip back to the References on page 92 and check it out). It provides you with instruction not only on how to perform hypnosis, but on how hypnosis works: This is the scientific data, the “why” that you need to know.
Most of our models of change are cognitive. They are about learning new information, and then trying (and often failing) to implement it. Emotional change is different from cognitive approaches, and powerful. You want to be a great hypnotist. You want to know more than just how to perform tricks. You need to know why things work on a Starship. Buy this book, read, learn, enjoy.
A Different Reality: Adventures In Narrative Therapy & Protocol to Address Anxiety Disorders & Insomnia
Dr. Frederic Mau
It is not enough to simply think about things differently. Most of our models of change and approaches to psychotherapy are designed to do just that—create cognitive changes in rational thought. These approaches make therapists feel safe and in control. We feel comfortable because we never have to engage powerful emotions. We fool ourselves into thinking that talking about something will make it different. We fool ourselves into thinking that the quest for causes of problems or insight into them will help. We fool ourselves into thinking a focus on problems will somehow lead to solutions. We fool ourselves into thinking change is the result of a long, arduous series of incremental steps. Our clients deserve better. Real change happens in the lightning strike of powerful emotion, in epiphanies of deep existential shift in the meaning of the story of our lives. Emotion holds the power for change; stories frame emotion and create meaning. This book models the use of story to jolt new meanings into being. It is a model for postmodern therapy: a solution-focused, quick, deeply emotional approach that engages the creative unconscious to craft a different reality. International award-winning author Dr. Fredric Mau draws from his 10-plus years of clinical experience as a hypnotist and therapist to elucidate a powerful master course in narrative therapy, and unfold a multi-session protocol to treat anxiety disorders and insomnia.
Relational Reset: Unlearning the Habits That Hold You Back
Dr. Laurel Shaler
Are your relationships all that you want them to be? Do rough patches ever catch you by surprise, causing you to think Why is it so hard right now? Why is there tension? Was it something I did? Despite our best intentions, we all have blind spots—bad relational habits that are keeping us from enjoying our relationships fully. And since relationships stand at the center of all we do, if we can learn to do relationships even fractionally better, every aspect of our lives improves. Whether you struggle to overcome past wounds, insecurity, blame, or envy, it’s time to reflect on your relational habits and reset.
Reclaiming Sanity: Hope & Healing for Trauma, Stress, and Overwhelming Life Events
Dr. Laurel Shaler
With a girlfriend’s companionship and a professional counselor’s expertise, Dr. Laurel Shaler walks readers through personal stories and biblical insights that shed light on daily and traumatic stress. In Reclaiming Sanity, she shows
• How to find freedom from the past
• Five myths about anger and how to overcome them
• The antidote for nagging worry and sleepless nights
• Ways to rebuild trust in others
• How Christ gives true strength
Offering effective action steps toward reclaiming sanity, Dr. Shaler guides readers through the healing process, whether they are dealing with a one-time traumatic event or years of hidden pain.
Compassionate Cartoons About Divorce
Kelly Kamowski, Illustrated by Stephanie Piro
Compassionate Cartoons are empathic and illustrate the realities of causes and serious topics. The Compassionate Cartoons about Divorce show the impact of divorce on both adults and children beginning with the difficult decision to divorce to starting over. The cartoons help people realize they are not alone in what they are going through.
Paperback: $4.95
Gaining Cultural Competence in Career Counseling, 2nd Edition
Dr. Kathy M. Evans & Dr. Aubrey L. Sejuit
In recent years, journals and other publications have attended to issues for diverse populations but a single resource is more useful to educators, practitioners and students who want to be more informed about diversity, equity, social justice and career counseling. Gaining Cultural Competence in Career Counseling, 2nd edition, goes into depth on each of these issues, as well as career theories, assessment, and ethics. The first four chapters focus on the foundational skills for effective counseling across cultures. The next five chapters integrate multicultural competences with specific career and social justice counseling competences. The significantly updated second edition includes a a new chapter on working with children and adolescents. Each chapter includes new exercises and questions for reflection, and case scenarios supplement the content.
Paperback: $55.00